
A Second Hyundai Supplier in Alabama Has Been Using Child Labor

Photo credit: TennesseePhotographer/Getty
Photo credit: TennesseePhotographer/Getty

A second Alabama-based Hyundai supplier has been caught using underage workers in its factory. The Department of Labor accused SL Alabama of violating child labor laws in court filings reported by Reuters. In a statement to the outlet, SL Alabama admitted that children had worked at its factories.

The federal accusation claims that the company's Alexander City, Alabama factory repeatedly violated labor laws by employing children under 16. Those children, SL Alabama claimed in a statement to Reuters, were hired by an outside recruitment firm. The company declined to name the firm.

The Alabama factory produces headlights and taillights for Hyundai and Kia vehicles. It is the second factory in Hyundai's Alabama supply chain to be accused of employing children in a factory setting. Back in July, Reuters broke the story that Smart Alamaba LLC—which is not just a supplier to but also a subsidiary of Hyundai—allegedly made use of migrant child labor. Smart also blamed the practice on an outside hiring firm, though experts note that using staffing agencies is a tactic businesses often use to distance themselves from unsavory hiring behavior.