
New Shoei Pricing Policy for Dealers

New Shoei Pricing Policy for Dealers

Shoei Helmets has announced that effective January 1, 2017, Shoei helmet dealers in the United States will be permitted under Shoei’s Advertising Policy to advertise all current Shoei helmet products only by showing no price information at all, or by showing the then-current MSRP for the advertised products. This represents a revision to one of the key elements of Shoei’s longstanding Advertising Policy under which, until the change comes into effect, dealers have been permitted to advertise pricing reflecting a discount of up to ten percent (10%) off the applicable MSRP for current Shoei products. This change comes about after careful consideration of the place Shoei products hold in the marketplace, more than a decade of enforcing the Advertising Policy, and ongoing discussions with a number of Shoei dealers.

As stated when Shoei adopted the Advertising Policy more than ten years ago, Shoei wants dealers to promote and advertise Shoei helmets to customers by emphasizing the outstanding quality and features of Shoei products, rather than by focusing on any particular level of price discounts. Shoei does not, and does not use its Advertising Policy to, control or attempt to control or interfere in the actual pricing at which its dealers are free to sell Shoei products to customers. Nonetheless, the Advertising Policy has been designed and is enforced to reasonably control many aspects of how dealers are permitted to advertise Shoei products so as to protect the very substantial investment that, for more than fifty years, Shoei has made and continues to make each year in designing, manufacturing and distributing world-renowned Shoei premium motorcycle helmets.