
'The Simpsons' fans think Lisa Simpson predicted Kamala Harris's inauguration outfit

Kamala Harris wore a similar outfit at the inauguration to Lisa Simpsons when she became President. (Credit: Melina Mara/Getty Images/Fox)
Kamala Harris's inauguration outfirt was similar to that worn by Lisa Simpson when she became president. (Melina Mara/Getty Images/Fox)

The Simpsons seems to have predicted the future once again, with new US vice president Kamala Harris wearing an inauguration outfit very similar to Lisa Simpson’s presidential suit.

An adult version of Lisa wears the outfit when she becomes president in the time-hopping 2000 episode Bart To The Future, in which she takes over from Donald Trump.

Read more: Celebrities react as Kamala Harris takes office

The blue/purple suit with a pearl necklace is eerily reminiscent of the outfit Harris wore when she was inaugurated as America’s first female VP at the US Capitol on Wednesday.

Simpsons fan Phil Hagen noted the similarity on Twitter, joking that it was “a bit on the nose”, even in the pantheon of Simpsons predictions.

It’s not the first time that Harris has been mentioned in connection to The Simpsons, after Trump’s campaign adviser Jenna Ellis compared her voice to that of Marge Simpson last year.


In response, the show released a clip in which Marge addressed Ellis’s comments, claiming she felt “disrespected” as an “ordinary suburban housewife”.

“I was gonna say I’m p***ed off, but I’m afraid they’d bleep it,” Marge added.

Read more: Amazing bits of Simpsons trivia

Meanwhile, Simpsons fans also claimed Tom Hanks’s post-inauguration address had also been predicted by the show.

Hanks made a cameo in The Simpsons Movie back in 2007 as part of a propaganda film framing the destruction of Springfield as creating “the new Grand Canyon”

The star quipped in the movie that “the US government has lost its credibility, so it's borrowing some of mine”.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as president and vice president on Wednesday, with outgoing president Trump refusing to attend the inauguration.

The event included performances by the likes of Hollywood stars Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez.

Read more: Best classic Simpsons episodes on Disney+

Biden signed more than a dozen executive orders on his first day in the White House, including rejoining the Paris climate accord and mandating face mask wearing in federal buildings.

Presumably, most of Biden’s four-year presidential term will also turn out to have been predicted by The Simpsons over the last three decades.

Watch: Kamala Harris urges belief in togetherness