
Skateboarder Ollies Over Ferrari Monza SP2 on New York City Street

tyshawn jones ferrari roma sp2 jump
Skateboarder Ollies Over Ferrari Monza SP2Tyshawn Jones / Instagram

Jumping over a car is a time-honored tradition. We use total cars to count just how far a monster truck or a motorcycle can jump, sure, but you can also dunk over one and, if things go really wrong, leap one car over another. Skateboarding over a car is a natural next step, one skater Tyshawn Jones accomplished with in pretty spectacular fashion on a New York City street.

Now, riding a skateboard over a car via ramp jump would be easy. Jones instead opted to ollie over a car at speed, performing the typical maneuver skaters use to jump onto or over an obstacle. That means Jones gets all that ground clearance on his own, in this case enough to get over the entire width of a car without coming close to making any contact with any part of it.

That feat alone is an achievement, but the car actually being leaped over here is a Ferrari Monza SP2. That's the two-seat variant of the brand's seven-figure speedster introduced back in 2018. Not only does that multiply the spectacle of jumping over a car in front of a crowd, the car's unique shape as a speedster actually makes it much easier for a skateboarder attempting this particular trick to actually clear.


In the jump attempt, Jones easily clears the car's beltline well before reaching the passenger-side door, raising his board well before it would hit any part of the Ferrari. His descent cuts a little bit closer, but he still effectively navigates the leap without making any contact with one of the most expensive cars built in the past decade.

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