
SSC Tuatara tries for top speed record again, but runs into heat issues

SSC Tuatara tries for top speed record again, but runs into heat issues

A number of months have gone by since the SSC Tuatara controversy broke, and ever since Jerod Shelby announced a second attempt, we haven’t heard much of anything out of SSC. We still haven’t heard anything from SSC directly, but they’ve been busy.

According to a YouTuber by the name of Robert Mitchell, SSC had a second go at the record attempt earlier this month. Unfortunately for SSC, nothing has come of it due to mechanical issues with the Tuatara.

Mitchell was invited to SSC’s record run because he was one of the initial YouTubers who analyzed the original run and questioned SSC’s results. Shmee150 and Misha Charoudin were also invited, but couldn’t make it due to travel restrictions. This second attempt took place in Florida, and Oliver Webb was not behind the wheel. Instead, the owner (Dr. Larry Caplin) of this Tuatara decided he was going to drive it himself. No explanation was given for Webb’s absence.