
Tell Us Your Car Story

Photo credit: Getty Images
Photo credit: Getty Images

From Car and Driver

We want your car stories. We want to hear them. We want to share them.

Sure, we live in an Internet-Snapchat-Instagram-Twitter-gaming world, but cars remain central to our lives. Almost everyone has a story to tell—good, bad, funny, sad, scary, romantic, amazing, cool—that in some way involves cars. And don't try to tell us that nothing memorable related to cars and driving has ever happened to you.

We want your favorite personal car story, the one that you are a central character in—and so does the world. Tell it to us in 100 words or less and, if it's a good one, we'll share it right here on If it runs we'll send you a token of appreciation from our C/D memento closet (we needed to clean it out anyway). Your story can be about almost anything automotive—and by "cars," we mean all kinds of vehicles. Just don't waste your time and ours with anything salacious, because we'll delete it immediately. We will correct your spelling and grammar, however; you can thank us later. And if you have a photo that relates to your story, we might run that too.


Send your car story to us at YourCarStory@caranddriver. We can't wait to see what you have to say.

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