
Tesla bulls not 'doing their homework.' 40 rivals on the way: Tesla bear

John Fichthorn told CNBC that Tesla's results were nothing more than pressure from Wall Street to produce a profitable quarter.

Tesla bulls who say they think the company is going to rule the world of electric cars are not "doing their homework," says one investor who has a large short position on the stock.

"Tesla (TSLA) has absolutely nothing sustainably proprietary, nothing," said Mark Spiegel of Stanphyl Capital on Monday's edition of " Closing Bell ." "Yet it is losing a massive amount of money with zero direct long-range electric car competition."

And soon it will have direct competition for every product it has, from charging, to Autopilot, to battery technology to cars, he said.

By 2018 or 2019, Mercedes (DAI-DE) will roll out four electric cars, Porsche (PAH3-DE) and Audi (NSU-DE) will both have two, and Jaguar (TATAMOTORS-IN) and Bentley will have one each, Spiegel said. On the mass market end, Ford (F) is expected to have two models; Volkswagen (VOW3-DE), five; Hyundai (538-KR), two.


"By 2021 every single manufacturer will have" an electric car, Spiegel said. "Tesla will go from zero direct competitors to 40 direct competitors," he said.

The comparisons made by Tesla bulls to other once-doubted technology companies like Amazon (AMZN), don't fit, Spiegel said.

"Other than the very early days, Amazon financed all of its expansion through internal cash flow. All Elon Musk knows how to do is incinerate cash," he said.

Spiegel finished by calling Elon Musk , Tesla's chief executive, "the most deceptive CEO I have ever seen."

"The one credible thing he does say is he doesn't care if Tesla stays in business, if he can electrify the world of cars," Spiegel said.

A Tesla spokeswoman wasn't immediately available to comment.