
Tesla Cybertruck Gets Worse Towing Range Than Model X With the Same Trailer

Tesla Cybertruck tows a Bowlus Volterra
Tesla Cybertruck tows a Bowlus Volterra

We've known since the Rivian R1T launched that towing isn't what electric pickup trucks are best at. The Tesla Cybertruck is no different, as a recent test has shown it gets worse range towing than a Model X dragging the exact same trailer.

This weakness was discovered by luxury trailer manufacturer Bowlus. The company's CEO, Geneva Long, said in a LinkedIn post that the test involved Bowlus's Volterra trailer, a low-drag camper similar to an Airstream in shape. With a 17 kilowatt-hour LFP battery, solar panels, and the ability to give an emergency charge to an EV, it's exactly the kind of trailer a Cybertruck might want in place of Tesla's shabby popup tent. Provided they can justify the $310,000 it costs, that is.

Tesla Model X with a Bowlus Volterra trailer.
Tesla Model X with a Bowlus Volterra trailer.

Bowlus hooked this trailer up to a Model X AWD before dragging it down the highway, where EVs tend to perform poorly. Nevertheless, Bowlus claimed to achieve a 235-mile range on a charge, or 71% of the 330-mile range Tesla claims for the SUV. Naturally, you'd expect that the powerful Cybertruck—which more than doubles the Model X's 5,000-pound towing capacity at 11,000 lbs—would do considerably better. Right?