
Tesla's CCS Charging Adapter May Not Work With Cybertruck

tesla cybertruck
CCS Charging Adapter May Not Work With CybertruckTesla

Four years after the initial reveal, the Tesla Cybertruck is finally in customer hands. That means buyers and journalists alike are finally getting a chance to discover finer details of the car, like whether or not an officially approved Tesla charging adapter works on the biggest Tesla product debut in half a decade. Turns out, it apparently doesn't.

Like all Teslas, the Cybertruck needs an adapter for its proprietary-to-Tesla North American Charging Standard (NACS) port to interface with the more typical Combined Charging System (CCS) plugs used by public chargers meant for other modern EVs. As Kyle Conner of Out of Spec discovered, the official adapter does not physically fit into the Cybertruck's fender-mounted charging port. To test if the interface works at all, he ripped the plastic cladding off the fender and plugged the adapter in.


Conner claims the truck still did not charge on the high-voltage charger. He then ran another test, confirming that the truck could charge from a native NACS charger with the fender removed. That worked, but he says he still has not been able to make the CCS adapter work with the truck.

As a Tesla product, the Cybertruck is already equipped with the preferred NACS charging port that is well on its way to becoming the industry-wide standard for EVs sold in the United States. Most Cybertruck buyers will generally charge within Tesla's excellent Supercharger network anyway, making the lack of an adapter a non-issue for most.

However, access to CCS charging opens the door to a completely separate network of high-voltage chargers that greatly increase a driver's ability to explore the country in their electric vehicle. The issue is compounded by the reality that this is an official Tesla adapter, one that a confused Cybertruck buyer may purchase to use with their old CCS home charging system under the assumption that it would work. In those cases, the lack of adaptability is a serious disappointment that cuts into one of the biggest advantages of owning a new Tesla product.

Via Jalopnik.

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