
Tesla's Cybertruck Can Output 11.5 kW of Power to Your Home

tesla cybertruck production
Tesla's Cybertruck Can Power Your Home at 11.5 kWTesla

More than four years after the car's initial reveal, customer-bound Tesla Cybertrucks are finally here. The highlight of the announcement is better-than-expected straight-line performance, but Tesla's belated entry into the electric truck wars is a segment leader in another interesting category, too: With the right equipment, the Cybertruck can send a whopping 11.5 kW of power from its battery back to your home.

That ability comes from the brand's new Powershare feature, which is currently exclusive to the newly revealed truck. In this application, the car can direct 11.5 kW of power directly to a house through either a Tesla Powerwall with a wall connector or other additional equipment. It can also send 9.6 kW of power from five traditional power outlets, two in the cabin and three accessible from the truck's bed.

The 11.5 kW output is a new record for this kind of gadget, while the 9.6 kW figure ties the output of the F-150 Lightning that currently leads in battery output. Two hybrid trucks, the current F-150 Hybrid and the upcoming Ram 1500 Ramcharger, can send back 7.2 kW of power. The gas-powered F-150, for comparison, offers 2.0 kW of output. All offer enough to make the truck functional as a power outlet during an outage, but the Cybertruck's output can offer more power to an entire house in a case of emergency than any other truck on the market today.

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