
Teslas Can Now Reportedly Detect Cheat Devices That Allow Hands-Free Driving

Red Tesla Model 3
Red Tesla Model 3

Despite the deceptive terms “Autopilot” and “Full Self-Driving,” Teslas aren’t actually self-driving cars. Drivers are expected to keep at least one hand on the wheel and be ready to take over at any time. But since some people are reckless and trust Autopilot more than they should, some companies have created cheat devices such as Autopilot Buddy that trick the system into thinking there’s a hand on the wheel when there really isn’t. Now, it looks like Tesla’s finally taking these dangerous accessories seriously.

Electrek reports that according to Teslascope, an account that regularly looks into Autopilot updates, “The latest version of Full Self-Driving Beta (V10.69.3.1) can detect some forms of autopilot defeat devices and will be slowly adapted over time as new methods are discovered by Tesla. If detected, it will result in a forced autopilot disengagement; resulting in strikes.”

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