
Thieves Swipe Classic Cars From Storage Facility

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The method they used was surprisingly simple and brutal…

With all the high-tech car heists we hear about these days, let alone the crafty scams, it’s actually shocking to hear about thieves stealing some cars through sheer brute force. But that’s exactly how two classic cars were swiped from a storage facility in Colorado Springs, along with other valuables.

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According to a report from KRDO, the thieves exploited an unlocked storage unit. Once inside that unit, they broke through the walls into other storage units in the same block, pilfering whatever they wanted. Considering the walls appear to just be plywood, you could do that with a sledgehammer or maybe even just your shoulder, making this a crime of sheer brute force.


What’s more, customers who had their stuff stolen told KRDO they weren’t notified by the storage facility owners about the break-in. That’s definitely concerning if true. Those same customers say there were other security-related issues, like the gates and cameras not working properly, before. As the saying goes, hindsight is always 20/20.

One man had his 1956 Imperial, which he estimates to be worth $35,000, stolen way back in February but didn’t learn about it until late in March. In other words, that whole time he thought his classic car was just fine and so didn’t file a police report. To add insult to injury, the thieves took a box of letters his father wrote to his mother while serving in the Vietnam War.

Another woman lost her grandmother’s 1964 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia along with other heirlooms. In total, she estimates the losses to be about $30,000. Like the others, she says she wasn’t notified of the break-in and so found out weeks later.

We hope everyone is able to get their stolen belongings back, however we know the reality of that outcome isn’t incredibly high. This just emphasizes the need to store your classic or hobby car somewhere security is taken seriously.

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