
Are You Down With the Hybrid Toyota 4Runner Trailhunter and TRD Pro?

Are You Down With the Hybrid Toyota 4Runner Trailhunter and TRD Pro? photo
Are You Down With the Hybrid Toyota 4Runner Trailhunter and TRD Pro? photo

The 2025 Toyota 4Runner Trailhunter and TRD Pro, its most aggressive factory off-road models, can only be had with a hybrid electric powertrain. I've seen a range of comments about this around the internet, so we figured we'd host a focused discussion. Would you be concerned about the system's complexity and potential expense to repair, or are the benefits to performance and efficiency well worth any risk?

Toyota was making hybrid powertrains back when some of us were still eating crayons. I don't think a lack of reliability with the i-Force Max engine and electric-power combo are likely to present an issue, even in rough-condition use.