
TikTok is freaking out about a so-called hidden iPhone messaging app

With the holiday shopping season beginning this week, and with Black Friday deals already going live, a lot of consumers will be unboxing brand new iPhones over the next few days. And while most of these users are likely upgrading from an existing iPhone, there’s a good chance the group will include quite a few Android switchers as well. That aside, both new and seasoned iPhone users alike will likely be impressed with the latest viral iPhone tip about secret messages making the rounds on TikTok.

As a quick aside, it’s almost funny, though not surprising, that TikTok has become a haven for delightful iPhone tips. Whereas iPhone and macOS tips used to be aggregated in pricey books, they’re now flooded across sites like YouTube, Twitter, and of course, TikTok.

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This secret messaging iPhone tip from TikTok is awesome

This iPhone tip makes it possible for users to see what their friends are texting back in real-time. The iPhone tip is also a secret messaging feature of sorts. Now, does this serve a functional purpose? Perhaps not. But still, it’s a fun little tip that you’ll likely have some fun playing around with.

To get started, open up the Notes app. Next, tap the three dots in the upper right-hand corner. Next, select Share Note where you can now select which other iPhone users you’d like to message in real-time.

Following that, select Manage Shared Note and turn the Highlight All Changes toggle into the on position. You can also hit the “Hide Alerts” toggle if you’re trying to be sly.