
Time Attack Suzuki Jimny! Time Attack Suzuki Jimny!

suzuki jimny time attack tsukuba circuit
Time Attack Suzuki Jimny! Yes, Time Attack Jimny!Attack Official Movie Channel/YouTube

Japan has done it again. First came Dajiban racing. Then there it was bosuzoku culture, a straight-piped middle finger aimed at tuning's self-serious culture. Today, we raise our eyes to meet yet another joyous cocktail of speed and weirdness that could only The Land of the Rising Sun could produce.

It's Suzuki Jimny Time Attack. Yes, a spec series for Jimnys at Tsukuba circuit. The concept doesn't need much more explanation to earn your click, so long as you're familiar with the Jimny, a cheap, compact 4x4 that's meant as a humble conveyance for farmers, land owners, and off-road enthusiasts.


Of course, Japan being populated by the Japanese, the Jimny was co-opted for time attack, its jaunty square body hovering above wheels placed well outside its boxy body (God save those wheel bearings), plus bolt-on fender flares to boot.

You might just giggle watching videos of these tiny utes absolutely screaming through Tsukuba's tight bends. In fact, this video might send you down a YouTube rabbit hole full of Dajibans, bosuzoku, and whatever the next weird/crazy thing is.

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