
That Time a Dodge Charger Daytona Did a Flying Mile at 216 MPH

From Road & Track

Bobby Isaac was the 1970 NASCAR champion but his name is not as well-known as it ought to be. He disliked publicity and passed away in 1977. I have always been fascinated by him and the car he drove for much of the 1970 season, the Dodge Charger Daytona. I have written quite a bit about him and the winged cars and recently, I was contacted by NASCAR productions. Would I like to be in a documentary about Bobby Isaac?

Shortly after, I was sitting in the stands at Hickory Motor Speedway talking on camera about Isaac and that Daytona. They took that car to the Bonneville Salt Flats in 1971 and set 28 land speed records with it, including a flying mile at over 216 MPH. That's in a stock-bodied car with carburetion.


The focus of the doc is that trip to Bonneville. And to get some good footage, they talked Tim Wellborn into bringing the Daytona back to Bonneville for some runs on the salt at speed. I did not get to witness that but I've seen the footage and it is spectacular. And, since I have driven the car on a previous occasion, I can imagine what that was like. They also spoke to Ned Jarrett, one of Bobby's best friends, and the surviving members of the crew.

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