
Tire slasher leaves severed finger in Arizona woman's driveway

Tire slasher leaves severed finger in Arizona woman's driveway

An Arizona woman called the police after she found a Halloween-like sight in her driveway. She noticed that someone had slashed her SUV's tires, and a closer look revealed the perpetrator left part of a finger behind.

"I literally have been laughing all day because if I don't, I might cry," Francesca Wikoff told Maricopa-based news channel KCTV5. She's a former EMT, so she's used to seeing gore, but the discovery came as a big surprise.

While photos taken at the crime scene were blurred by police officers before being released to the media, we can tell the slasher left a good chunk of a finger in Wikoff's driveway. It's not just a small bruise. It must have hurt, too. One of her neighbors said he heard a loud scream and a car speeding off about 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 15.