
Toronto Police Recover $1.4 Million In Stolen Cars

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Looks like things are starting to fall apart for car thieves.

Auto theft is starting to get completely out of hand with hundreds, if not thousands, of cars being taken from across the country every day. Big cities are the primary locations for these crimes as a dense population, high poverty, and slow police response time make it perfect for theft-based crime. We think of this issue as primarily an American issue but recently Canada has run into a very similar issue, as confirmed by this particular case.

In fact, Toronto seems to have itself a full fledged crime syndicate that operates solely on carjacking. We know this because recently the cops have really been on the tail end of the gangs responsible. Somewhere down the line, the police began making real progress in the investigation and eventually recovered some of the stolen vehicles. You might be wondering if I’m just exaggerating here but once you learn the exact dollar amount that might not be a thought in your mind.


A total of $1.4 million worth of stolen automobiles have been recovered by police hoping to take down the operation. Of course, that isn’t all that happened as about $5 million worth of revinned automobiles have been found. This all leads authorities to question how much more is really out there and what they can do to stop the uptick in crime. As time goes on these thefts will likely increase but for now it’s good to know that somebody is trying to stop the good citizens of Toronto from getting their car stolen.

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