
This Toyota Land Cruiser is so light it can be picked up by two people

This Toyota Land Cruiser is so light it can be picked up by two people

If you're of a certain generation you may remember this popular prank from when imports first became popular in the U.S. A few guys would pick their buddy's VW Beetle up by its bumpers and move it to a different parking space or, if they were crueler, place it between two unmovable objects. Cars have been far too heavy (and lacking grabbable bumpers) for decades, so the image of two men lifting an entire 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser made us do a double-take.

Turns out, this 1:1 model of the new Toyota Land Cruiser 70 is so light because it's made out of styrofoam. The project was executed by artist Masumi Yamaguchi, who specializes in crafting large-scale sculptures out of styrofoam.