
Toyota V12-powered Porsche 928 on Cars & Bids is engine swap insanity

Toyota V12-powered Porsche 928 on Cars & Bids is engine swap insanity

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Auction site Cars & Bids has hosted numerous engine-swapped cars since launching in 2020, but this relatively humble-looking 1982 Porsche 928 is one of the wildest builds we've seen so far. The minor exterior modifications hide a major surprise under the hood: a V12.

V8 swaps are reasonably common; V12 swaps are much more unusual, largely because the pool of available 12-cylinders is pretty shallow and most cars weren't designed with such a big engine in mind. Here, the seller detoured the usual suspects on the industry's V12 shelf, like the N74 that powered late-model variants of the BMW 7 Series, and chose a 5.0-liter sourced from a Toyota Century and called 1GZ-FE.

That's not a typo: Yes, there's a Toyota called Century and yep, it's was once V12-powered. It was never sold in the United States, it was mostly distributed in Japan where it was positioned as the brand's flagship, and the 1GZ-FE engine never ended up in another model, which makes this swap even more unusual. The 5.0-liter has a 60-degree angle, which likely explains how the seller managed to shoe-horn it into a 928, and a little bit of internet detective work lead us to a 20-page thread on enthusiast forum Rennlist that documents most of the swap.