
Tucker Carlson Spews Truly Evil Trash About Trans People In 'Christianity' Rant

Tucker Carlson seized on a mass shooting in Tennessee to spread vile and dangerous anti-transgender hate on Tuesday, joining a chorus of other prominent right-wingers.

Steering well clear of the gun control issue, the Fox News host sought instead to peg Monday’s violence as evidence of a war between Christians and transgender people. The 28-year-old shooter, whom authorities identified as trans, killed six people at a private Christian school they used to attend before the assailant was shot dead by police.

“Why are some trans people so angry, and why do they seem to be mad, specifically, at traditional Christians? We can’t think of any trans person who’s ever been murdered by a pastor,” Carlson said.

Pushing his trademark “us against them” rhetoric, Carlson then suggested that trans people and Christians are “natural enemies” that can never be reconciled.


“The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity and therefore its natural enemy,” he said. “In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you’re not God. Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything, for that matter.”

“The trans movement takes the opposite view. Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself,” he said. “‘We can change the identity we were born with.’”

“They can never be reconciled. They are in a collision course with each other. One side is likely to draw blood before the other side,” he said. “Yesterday morning, tragically, our fears were confirmed.”

Nashville police have reported that Hale was assigned female at birth but had been using male pronouns on social media platforms. The shooter’s gender identity, though, remains unclear.

Transgender people are over four times more likely than cisgender people to be victimized by violent crime, according to a 2021 study by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law.

Carlson has been a leading voice in a right-wing hate campaign against transgender people and drag queens in recent years, coinciding with a marked increase in discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ community and the passage of an array of anti-LBGTQ laws in Republican-controlled legislatures around the country.

The number of homicides of transgender people nearly doubled from 2017 to 2021, driven primarily by gun violence, a report by the Everytown for Gun Safety nonprofit group found.
