
This Twitch Stream Has Turned Bad Driving Into a Spectator Sport

Photo credit: stopsigncam on Twitch
Photo credit: stopsigncam on Twitch

From Road & Track

We've all rolled through a stop sign before. It's not good driving, it's not legal, and it's not a great idea. But it happens. Just, hopefully not as much as it does at this intersection in Salem, Massachusetts. Because after noticing how few cars stop at it, someone set up a Twitch stream that's turned this bad driving into a spectator sport.

According to the stopsigncam's tracker, 98.73 percent of people don't fully stop at this stop sign. That's tracked by an army of followers in Twitch chat, who use in-chat functions like !roller or !zoomer to tag each car that rolls by. !Color keeps track of the spectrum of cars flying through this intersection, while mods moderate the chat.