
Unidentified Submerged Objects Are What We Should Really Worry About

Screenshot: Fox News
Screenshot: Fox News

Officially, the U.S. government has no proof that sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena are the result of alien activity. Apparently, though, the definitely-probably-not-aliens have been observed operating unidentified submerged objects in our oceans, Fox News reports. They fly, too, but when they want, they just disappear beneath the waves without a trace.

Retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet is sounding the alarm on UFOs that can disappear into the water without a splash and without leaving any wreckage behind. According to Gallaudet, these USOs are an “‘urgent’ national security concern with ‘world-changing. scientific ramifications.” And he claims to have proof, too, sharing a video of an unidentified object recorded by the USS Omaha back in 2019.