
Video of the Day - Michigan Vacation Ride Video

Video of the Day - Michigan Vacation Ride Video

This EatSleepRide video features James T of Michigan, ex-Marine, who returns to his childhood haunts for a leisurely ride on the backroads of the midwest. “To me it’s nicer than any area I’ve been in the world,” he says. “The sunsets over Lake Michigan are just beautiful.”

The fall ride on a Gold Wing shows the changing colors of the countryside, uncrowded roads and that peaceful feeling of riding at your own pace, with or without a destination. “When I was young we’d take a vacation every year… just drive three hours up the coast to grandma and grampa’s house. So I guess that was really the origin of this trip.”

“I came back (from Iraq) to Michigan because this is where my family is,” he says. “Curiosity got me into motorcycle riding, and really it wasn’t just motorcycles, but anything with a motor or pedals that would allow me to go out and explore my world.”


The video follows James and a partner riding through wooded country roads, some unpaved, and camping by the lake. “It’s not ocean coast or anything like that, but it’s the simple stuff that you notice. The midwest is a bit softer, the towns are small, they’re quaint, people take care of their homes.

“The motorcycle gives you quick, easy access to people, to places… you get to have a front row seat and experience the elements, feel the water and the air next to the coast and really be part of the outside world.

“You’re on the motorcycle to have fun, so… have fun. In a car you’re always going along in a spiral of thoughts. The motorcycle brings the mind into focus on one thing. When you’re on a motorcycle there’s only one thing you can do, and that’s to ride the motorcycle. And I appreciate that.”

The many other Eat SleepRide videos are viewable on YouTube.