
Video of the Day - We Have No Words

Video of the Day: We Have No Words

Honestly, man, we don't have a clue.

Here's a dude on what appears to be a Suzuki GS125... Let's call him Ali. That's what we're hearing in the first part of the song that serves as this video's soundtrack, anyway: "Ali, Ali, something-something" ...and it's clear that he's a wizard at multi-tasking.

But beyond that, pretty much everything is a mystery. Who is Ali? Where is he riding? Why doesn't Ali have shoes?

As we say: no clue.

We traced this video back to an Instagram account and most of the comments on it were in Arabic. So we tried running a few of them through Google translate in hopes of gaining a little context. Nope. Nothing.


However, we did manage to learn a snazzy insult: "God deprive you of a mother!"

It appears Arabic countries have internet trolls, too.

Whoever Ali is, he's clearly got skill –– not only rocking an amazing one-handed wheelie but managing to field phone calls and preserve the moment for social media posterity. Ride on, Ali; you're an inspiration to us all.