
Video Shows Someone Smashing A Cruise Robotaxi With A Hammer

Image: Andrej Sokolow (AP)
Image: Andrej Sokolow (AP)

It seems like residents of San Francisco’s frustrations with Cruise and their malfunctioning robotaxis have come to a head. Unfortunately, it’s a bit violent. SFGATE reports on a video that shows an unknown individual allegedly hitting one of the robotaxis with a hammer.

The video was captured in the Lower Haight neighborhood and shared with SFGATE and X (formerly Twitter) by local resident and blogger Stuart Schuffman. The video shows an individual clad in all black in front of a Cruise robotaxi that’s stopped at the intersection of Haight Street and Buchanan Street. The individual is standing in front of the car; it’s not known if the car is stopped because of a glitch, or if it’s stopped because of the person in front of it. The front of the robotaxi appears to be spray painted with something, though it’s hard to make out what it is.


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