
VW Passat Owner Easily Picks Up 14 MPG With Simple Aero Mods

VW Passat Owner Easily Picks Up 14 MPG With Simple Aero Mods photo
VW Passat Owner Easily Picks Up 14 MPG With Simple Aero Mods photo

Most car enthusiasts mod their machines for more power or performance, but not all of them. Hypermilers are interested in modifying their cars, sure, but it's to maximize fuel economy and efficiency. That may sound lame to somebody chasing lap times, but the same aerodynamic principles that make a car faster around a track save fuel, too. Just ask YouTuber B Sport, who squeezed as much as 33% more MPG out of his 2006 VW Passat diesel wagon with a slew of straightforward mods.

B Sport says he works a day job as an engineer at Volkswagen, which explains his attention to detail when it comes to his modifications. The most visible changes are the aerodynamic moon disk wheels, roof rack delete, and 40mm lowering springs. There's a lot more going on than meets the eye, though. The car's radiator and brake cooling ducts have been covered from the back side, while the bottom of the car has also been smoothed over considerably, with other cooling ducts for parts like the transmission getting aerodynamic covers.

<em>B Sport via YouTube</em>
B Sport via YouTube

You might think the car would overheat because of these mods, but as B Sport explains, the vehicle is experiencing extremely light load on the highway, which means it doesn't need all of the cooling it would normally get. He stresses that these sorts of mods are designed for his specific use case, which is saving fuel. If he often found himself towing in stop-and-go traffic in a hilly neighborhood, he obviously would reconsider his modifications. He's not, though. He's mostly doing 80 miles per hour on the Autobahn.


That's the speed at which he measures his first fuel economy figure: 43 MPG. He also took a measurement on his commute, most of which is country roads. It came in at 41 MPG. It's worth noting that he claims the car was running a little rough when he took these measurements due to a worn cam belt, which was later replaced. That could've made the fuel economy worse than normal.

The gains are impressive either way, though. B Sport even went as far as to seal all of the gaps on the front of the car with foam. Although not visible, that makes a big difference. The car also got an alignment to ensure the wheels were straight, as well as new tires.