
Wanna make $1,000 the hard way? Watch all 10 'Fast and Furious' movies

Wanna make $1,000 the hard way? Watch all 10 'Fast and Furious' movies

As a gearhead, it’s easy to get lost watching hours of the "Fast and the Furious" movies, but for many of us, life – kids, spouses, yardwork, actual work – gets in the way. FinanceBuzz wants to make watching the movies a lucrative endeavor and is offering $1,000 for someone to watch all 10 movies and report back on the carnage.

This is a publicity stunt, to be sure, but the site said it’s looking to track all the damage caused to cars in the movies to prepare for an upcoming story on insurance rates. FinanceBuzz also wants to track if the number and dollar amount of wrecked cars increased or decreased through the films. The lucky at-least-18-year-old couch potato gets $1,000 for their service and $100 for snacks and movie tickets.

Sounds like a sweet gig, right? The truth likely won’t be so sweet for the selected viewer. Making $1,000 to watch more than 20 hours of film comes out to less than $50 an hour – still a decent wage, but it’s not like anyone is going to be able to watch them all straight through. There’s so much going on in some movie scenes that there will be plenty of stop-rewind action for anyone trying to make sense of things.