
Watch The Most Boring Car Chase Ever Filmed Courtesy of 'Mystery Science Theater 3000'

Screenshot: Myster Science Theater 3000/YouTube
Screenshot: Myster Science Theater 3000/YouTube

New Year’s Eve is my least favorite holiday; it’s a rookie drinking night where average people spend way too much money in over-crowded bars in order to let loose for the first time in their lives, but only end up annoyingly drunk and making it everyone else’s problem. So instead of muscling up to the bar and overpaying for drinks at my local haunts, I skip the whole mess and stay home to watch some sort of television marathon.

You see kids, back before the days of streaming, you couldn’t really binge your favorite shows unless you had physical recordings of the episodes. Cable and network television controlled your ability to veg out on the same intellectual property all day. But, around New Year’s, stations used to load up one kind of show and play it all day—usually something cheap to rerun. My absolute favorites were black-and-white “Twilight Zone” episodes on the SciFi channel and “Mystery Science Theater 3000" over on Comedy Central.

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I lose it every time at the line “This makes Driving Mrs. Daisy look like Bullitt.” The Lincoln Continental has never looked slower. How did a film this terrible get made? Who cares; all that matters is that it was made, and then made fun of, and we are better for it.

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