
Watch Police Riding Horses Chase Down A Shoplifter

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Watch Police Riding Horses Chase Down A Shoplifter
Watch Police Riding Horses Chase Down A Shoplifter

A suspect who allegedly shoplifted from a Walgreens in Albuquerque, New Mexico was chased down by cops riding on horseback, making for unusual bodycam footage. We wonder if this sort of thing is going to become more commonplace.

Police chase ends in frontloader duel in the streets.

Bodycam footage of at least one officer on horseback chasing down the shoplifting suspect who’s on foot is bizarre to watch. The video’s a little bouncy, but you see the back of the suspect as he foolishly tries to outrun the horse.

We can only imagine what the guy was thinking as a mounted cop came out of nowhere. If he’s a career criminal, he was probably expecting an officer on foot or in a cruiser to possibly show up. But this is a strange twist.


The suspect, who allegedly shoplifted items from a Walgreens, didn’t give up easily. Even with one of the officers basically on top of him, he ran into traffic in an attempt to get away. It’s too bad police couldn’t just lasso and hogtie the guy.

From what it sounds like, these mounted police officers were just in the right place at the right time. As KRQE reports, they had just unloaded the horses from a trailer and were about to do a pedestrian safety campaign in the area when the call for help came out.

Usually, when we’ve seen mounted police units, they’re used for crowd control, not chasing down shoplifters. And while this case wasn’t something planned, a department spokesman said everything the officers did was within established rules and policies.

It would be great to get more horse pursuit videos, but this might be the only one for a while, so enjoy watching the footage.

Image via KRQE/YouTube