
Watch Rider Take out a Motorcycle Thief As he Tries to Flee

Motorcycles are very easy to steal. I've heard many horror stories of someone pulling up to the local cafe, running in for a cup of coffee to only return to an empty parking spot moments later. Two guys and a truck can steal a motorcycle in less than 30 seconds—forget 60 seconds.

READ MORE: Ask a motorcycle thief | RideApart

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This guy watched as a thief rode off with his buddy's bike. So with a GoPro running, he hammered down and took off after him. Rather than politely coming to a stop and discussing the situation, he kicked the would-be robber off the bike. Although, by the looks of it, the thief was having a hard enough time riding off with his new prize anyway.


READ MORE: How To Prevent Motorcycle Theft | RideApart

READ MORE: Driver Runs into Motorcyclist, After He's Told to Stop Texting | RideApart

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