
Watch Six People Drive the 'Ring in a Multipla

Photo credit: One Lap Heros / YouTube
Photo credit: One Lap Heros / YouTube

From Road & Track

When it comes to having fun on track, choosing something built for the job is the way to go. But what if you want to bring five of your friends along for the ride? Sure, a sporty wagon could work, but that's not nearly as fun as what these guys did.

One Lap Heros, a group of people on YouTube obsessed with everything Nurburgring, decided they needed a project car for the 2017 season. So they went out and bought a Fiat Multipla - a six-seater Italian economy car best known for its strangely bulbous proportions, and not much else. Sounds like the perfect track car to us.

Less than 24 hours after purchasing the quirky Fiat, the new owners piled six people into the car and went onto the Nurburgring for a tourist session lap. Fortunately for us, they recorded the whole thing.


Thanks to 10 year-old rear tires, questionable brakes, and a significant fuel leak, it was questionable whether the car would even make it around the 12.9-mile track. Nevertheless, it looks like a fun time was had by all. Watch for yourself.

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