
Watch as teen driver doing over 120 mph nearly takes out a cop

Watch as teen driver doing over 120 mph nearly takes out a cop

Police officers have dangerous jobs, and the threat can come from any direction. A frightening video hit the internet last week, showing a Virginia officer narrowly escaping death as a speeding car slammed into the vehicle he had pulled over in a traffic stop.

Officials say the car was traveling "well over 120 mph" before the collision occurred. Thankfully, the Fairfax County officer saw the 17-year-old driver coming in too hot and was able to jump out of the way at the last second. It also helps that the officer was on the passenger side of the stopped vehicle. The teen's careening car smashed into the stopped car, clipped the officer’s leg, and slammed into his cruiser. He was able to hop off the road and radio for help, saying, “My cruiser was hit, driver was hit, trying to check on injuries.”