
Watching a Bugatti Chiron Drive on a Bare Rim Is Painful

bugatti chiron driving on bare wheel
Watching a Chiron Drive On a Bare Rim Is Painfuljpmcars on TikTok

Until its successor arrives in 2024, the sold-out Bugatti Chiron remains at the top of the hypercar heap. With a starting price over $3 million, just about every component on the Chiron is a prohibitively expensive bit of engineering. That’s why this TikTok video is a rather tough watch, highlighting a monster from Molsheim rolling around on a bare wheel.

The footage comes by way of TikTok user jpmcars, who is a young supercar broker with several thousand followers on the platform. The clip starts with a dark blue Chiron up on a flatbed tow truck. The clip follows along as the hypercar rolls down off of the truck, riding on one of the rear rims. While those rollers are certainly strong enough to withstand the forces of 250+ mph acceleration runs, they aren’t designed for use without their rubber cover.

According to another video uploaded by the broker, the Chiron’s owner actually blew a tire after hitting a pothole on the highway. They then tried to make it to the service center by driving on the rim, but were unable to complete the journey.


According to jpmcars, the Chiron didn’t require any serious repairs after this incident, but unsurprisingly, it did need a new wheel and tire. The broker claims this pairing cost in the neighborhood of $20,000. That’s a fairly steep price, especially considering the Chiron no longer uses the specialty tires developed by Michelin for the Veyron. Not that anyone purchasing a $3 million car needs to worry about splashing down $20,000 here and there.

bugatti chiron

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