
Watching James May Reassemble a Lawn Mower Is Surprisingly Fascinating

From Road & Track

No one is going to argue that James May isn't a bit of a dweeb, but he's certainly a delightful dweeb. As Captain Slow on Top Gear, he played more of a supporting role as the one most often frustrated by Jeremy Clarkson's childish antics. But when he's hosting his own show, that's when May's delightful nerdish nature truly shines.

In his latest show, called The Reassembler, May does exactly as the title suggests-he reassembles things. And for the first episode, he was tasked with reassembling all 331 pieces of a 1959 lawnmower.

Yes, it's exactly as tedious a task as it sounds, but May is so fascinated by it, we couldn't help getting drawn in. Thankfully, the episode is cut down to only 30 minutes of the 10-plus hours May spends reassembling the lawnmower, but somehow the whole thing is completely mesmerizing.

But as fascinating as The Reassembler is, we have to say we're much more excited about seeing May back together with Clarkson and Hammond when The Grand Tour debuts this fall.

via Jalopnik