
What's the best all-wheel-drive system?

All-wheel-drive systems are numerous, and some of them work in different ways. A Subaru, an Audi, and a pickup truck all have different needs to meet in powering all their wheels. They use systems that employ various different technologies, and once more our friend at Engineering Explained is here to help shed some light on all of this.

With all-wheel-drive, differentials can behave in a number of ways. They can be open, locked, or you can have limited-slip setups. All of these can help you out in different ways, but they can also inhibit the vehicle in other situations.

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There are also applications where your all-wheel-drive system can vary, or vector, the torque sent out to each wheel. This can help the car corner more quickly or more safely, depending on the prevailing conditions.


A whole lot of engineering is required to keep all the axles, wheels, tires, and brakes operating harmoniously. Your all-wheel-drive system sorts it all out and keeps you moving along the intended path. How does all of it work?

That's what the video above aims to explain, and it does a great job of doing so.

Still—despite all of the information above—we're still partial to rear-wheel-drive...


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