
What's Your DMV Horror Story?

What's Your DMV Horror Story? photo
What's Your DMV Horror Story? photo

"Any trip to the DMV is a time-sucking nightmare" is such a deeply established cultural cliche that it was even parodied in a darn Disney movie. I'm going through a particularly awful saga with New York's DMV right now, so obnoxious that I will eventually write a blog about it when it's all over. Meanwhile, I'd like to know; what's your DMV horror story?

Look, no personal offense intended towards those of you who may be employed by our nation's various government agencies charged with regulating road travel. Sitting behind a sneeze shield stamping papers and passing license plates does not look particularly fun, and I'm 100% sure there are plenty of DMV customer horror stories, too.

I'll also concede that I'm an atypical car registration customer... moving vehicles between states, having ancient cars with non-standard VINs, buying stuff for cash with bills-of-sale written in crayon on bar napkins. Surely the DMV folks roll their eyes when I walk in the door.