
Here’s Why Dyno-Testing Intake Runners Makes a Big Difference

Here’s Why Dyno-Testing Intake Runners Makes a Big Difference photo
Here’s Why Dyno-Testing Intake Runners Makes a Big Difference photo

Engine science isn’t quite a lost art, but it’s something that is much more understood than it used to be. Now, engines are incredibly talented at everything thanks to innovations in combustion technology, variable valve timing, and engine management. But there once was a time where old school tuning went a long way, and this video of Youtuber Garage 4AGE testing several intake runners proves how big a difference small parts can make.

Using a built 16-valve 4A-GE in an ‘80s Toyota Starlet as a testing bed, Garage 4AGE went through the tedious but strangely engaging process of testing various lengths and diameters of intake runner to determine whether or not a variable-length intake is worthwhile. Of course, the 4A-GE is known to us stateside as the 1.6-liter high-revving inline-four that came in the AE86 Toyota Corolla and, once upon a time, was an excellent performance engine. The arena has moved far since then, but the simplicity of the 4A-GE makes it a great engine to experiment with.