
Why Mitsubishi’s 2030 Plan Could Bring the Delica Stateside

mitsubishi motors north america unveils momentum 2030 business plan photo courtesy of mmna
Mitsubishi Teaser Hints at a U.S. Market DelicaMitsubishi
  • Mitsubishi revealed its Momentum 2030 plan for North American markets that outlines its goals for the second half of the decade.

  • Mitsubishi wants to expand its product portfolio and dealer network during this Momentum 2030 push.

  • The centerpiece of the Momentum 2030 plan teaser appears to be a Delica-like van.

Mitsubishi was down, but it’s not out. The team at Mitsubishi are showing off their Momentum 2030 plans and are looking to expand. The company is planning on adding new models, and new dealers, before 2030.

At the center of Mitsubishi’s expansion is the company’s interest in electrification, with a mix of battery-electric models, plug-in hybrids, and traditional gas-burning cars.


Of course, that sounds like the road map for just about every automaker in the world. What makes this Mitsubishi roadmap interesting is at the center of the teaser above. That van-like silhouette could be the Mitsubishi Delica.

Not seen officially in the United States since its short-lived time as a Mitsubishi Van, the Delica could make a formal arrival in the United States.

If you’re wondering what that Delica could look like when it makes its way to the US, Mitsubishi may have given Americans a hint at the 2023 Japan Mobility Show, where Mitsubishi showed off an electrified concept dubbed D:X Concept. It doesn’t take much to figure out that the D in that concept alludes to the brand’s long-standing Delica nameplate.

mitsubishi dx concept
The Mitsubishi D:X Concept could hint at some of the next Delica’s features.Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi’s North American CEO Mark Chaffin adds a little more fuel to the Delica speculation. About this Momentum 2030 push, he notes that the company is going to add two new vehicles to the US lineup, in spaces that Mitsubishi doesn’t currently compete. Considering Mitsubishi doesn’t currently sell any consumer-facing vans in the US, that could be another sign of the Delica making its way to American shoppers.

Of course, 2030 is still a long way away, and plenty of automakers have curtailed would-be products after teasing them. Still, considering the push for adventure vehicles in the United States, adding the Delica to the North American roster seems like a sensible bet.

Do you think Mitsubishi will add the Delica to the North American lineup? Or could the teaser above just be a smokescreen? Tell us your thoughts below.