
This Wild Rallycross Pass Redefines "Aggressive"

From Road & Track

In racing, boldness is rewarded, but perhaps driver Kevin Eriksson took that to the extreme in last weekend's World Rallycross race in Germany. In what is possibly the greatest pass we've seen this year, Eriksson goes very wide on the outside of Turn 1 and pulls a fantastic drift around the race leaders.

Shockingly, it worked, and Eriksson went on to win the race, his first Rallycross victory. Watching from an in-car vantage point, the pass looks more like a move you'd make in Gran Turismo than a real-life maneuver. One has to assume the other drivers were not happy about this.


When seen from an overhead view, the pass still defies belief. Eriksson overshoots the apex by a mile, but still ends up way ahead of everyone else out of the corner. On dirt though, there's nothing a little oversteer can't fix, as Eriksson proves.

via wtf1

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