
Woke Cars, Evil Cars And Cars That Unite Us In This Week's QOTD Roundup

Image: Dodge, Ford Motor Company, Fields Auto Works, Screenshot: Amber DaSilva/Turn 10 Studios, Photo: Subaru, Ford, Dünzl\ullstein bild (Getty Images), Jaguar
Image: Dodge, Ford Motor Company, Fields Auto Works, Screenshot: Amber DaSilva/Turn 10 Studios, Photo: Subaru, Ford, Dünzl\ullstein bild (Getty Images), Jaguar

Here Are The Worst Pickup Trucks Ever Made According To You

Image: Dodge
Image: Dodge

Pickup trucks; the car buying public loves them with some 12.3 million sold in 2023 alone. Some would assume that with all these sales, there can’t be a single pickup model on the market that’s bad. According to our readers though, you’d be wrong though. - Lawrence Hodge Read More

These Are The Most Woke Cars

Screenshot: Amber DaSilva/Turn 10 Studios
Screenshot: Amber DaSilva/Turn 10 Studios

Right now, our world is more divided than ever. It seems like, no matter which side of the aisle you fall on, there’s one big question everyone’s debating: What does “woke” even mean? And how can we apply it to cars? This was the question we asked you all earlier this week, and today we get to comb through your picks for the most woke car. - Amber DaSilva Read More

What Car Is The Most Woke?

Photo: Subaru
Photo: Subaru

If there’s one thing I know from reading the comments here— or worse, the Facebook comments on our page — it’s that cars are too woke now. These loony lefties have taken control of NASCAR, added electrification to Indy, and even postulated that something bad might happen to a vaccine-free ship unironically called the Titanic II. First they got a whole month, now they’re letting transgenders write about cars, for Christ’s sake! - Amber DaSilva Read More

These Are The Most Evil Looking Cars

Photo: Ford
Photo: Ford

The concept of a giant metal rectangle speeding down the road with several humans inside is innately scary, and I’ll never forget an episode of “The Fairly Odd Parents” where Cosmo kept calling cars screaming metal death traps. Cars are scary, but some seem more evil than others thanks to roles they’ve played in movies or roles they assume in public. Car designers have the task of conveying a car’s demeanor through its styling, and some cars are meant to be menacing, so they get menacing designs. - Logan Carter Read More

These Are The Cars That Truly Unite Americans

Vintage 1965 Chevrolet Corvair convertible at Belmont Park - Photo: Dünzl\ullstein bild (Getty Images)
Vintage 1965 Chevrolet Corvair convertible at Belmont Park - Photo: Dünzl\ullstein bild (Getty Images)

There are a lot of things dividing us as Americans right now, but cars don’t have to be one of them. Let politics, “lifestyles” and whether to call fizzy sugar water pop verses soda divide us. Cars can (and should) always bring us back together. - Erin Marquis Read More

What’s The Best Example Of Parts Sharing On A Car?

Photo: Jaguar
Photo: Jaguar

Building cars is an expensive business, and so is designing the parts that go onto them. That’s why – every once in a while – you’ll see two very different cars sharing the same singular part. I love spotting this sort of stuff, and it’s what has led me to today’s question. - Andy Kalmowitz Read More

What’s The One Car Every American Can Agree On?

Image: Ford Motor Company
Image: Ford Motor Company

We asked this question back in 2019, and oh, how jaded and divided we felt back then. Little did we know just how much our national unity would be run through the ringer in the proceeding five years and especially over the last week. - Erin Marquis Read More

These Are Your Favorite Cars From Obscure Brands

Image: Silverstone Auctions
Image: Silverstone Auctions

Every once in a while a car company will crop up seemingly out of nowhere and deliver a truly unique vehicle that nobody else could have dreamed up. We love it when that happens, even if it’s fairly rare. Earlier this week we asked all of you for your nominations for best car from a brand that never ascended to mainstream acceptance, and you did not disappoint. There are so many phenomenal cars on this list, some that many of you have probably never heard of. It’s a great exercise in stepping outside of your normal boundaries. We don’t all have to drive Toyotas or whatever. Maybe try a Pegaso, or a TVR. - Bradley Brownell Read More

What’s The Best Car From An Obscure Brand?

Image: Fields Auto Works
Image: Fields Auto Works

There are hundreds of automakers around the world throughout history that have made some truly great cars, though haven’t ascended to the station of household name. At the point it made the all-conquering F1 supercar speed machine, McLaren was arguably an obscure brand, though it has since become a much more known entity. Knock that one off the table, and what are you left with? What’s the best car to ever be made by a brand that would only be known by the cognoscenti? I’ve got a few answers rolling around in my head. - Bradley Brownell Read More

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