
Zodiac symbols uncovered on 1,800-year-old temple ceiling in Egypt. Take a look inside

Soot and grime slowly accumulated on the ceiling of an ancient Egyptian temple. The once-vibrant and colorful decorations became increasingly obscured as centuries of apathy stretched into millennia of neglect. Not anymore.

The Temple of Esna, also known as the Temple of Khnum, has stood in Esna, Egypt, since the Roman era, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in a Sunday, March 19, news release. The temple is being restored by a joint team of Egyptian and German archaeologists from the University of Tübingen.

Construction of the temple began in 186 B.C. and finished around 250 A.D. All that remains of the structure is a grand hall with 24 columns, officials said.

The Temple of Esna was dedicated to the ancient Egyptian deity, Khnum, believed to have created humans on a pottery wheel, Lonely Planet reported.


Every available surface of the temple — from the base of the columns to the ceiling 50 feet above — is covered in inscriptions, carvings and painted designs, the University of Tübingen said in a news release about the project.

Archaeologists uncovered a complete series of 12 zodiac symbols on the ceiling of the 1,800-year-old temple, Egyptian officials said. The unique astrological designs were painted on a pale blue background, photos show.

Two red figures, mirroring each other and holding hands, represent the Gemini sign, photos show. A yellow scorpion surrounded by white stars represents the Scorpio sign, and a two-faced centaur-like creature with a bow and arrow represents Sagittarius.

A pair of figures, representing the Gemini sign, found on the temple ceiling.
A pair of figures, representing the Gemini sign, found on the temple ceiling.
A scorpion symbol, representing the Scorpio sign, was found on the temple ceiling.
A scorpion symbol, representing the Scorpio sign, was found on the temple ceiling.

Restoration efforts also revealed representations of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars, Egyptian deities, snakes, crocodiles, unusual complex creatures and constellations ancient Egyptians used to measure time, the ministry’s release said.

A centaur-like figure, representing the Sagittarius sign, found at the temple.
A centaur-like figure, representing the Sagittarius sign, found at the temple.

One of the constellations previously uncovered is the Big Dipper, according to the University of Tübingen. The ancient Egyptian representation of this constellation is a bull’s leg, which “is tied to a stake by a goddess in hippo form,” archaeologists said. The tan-brown design represents the seven-star constellation, photos show.

A bull’s leg symbol representing the Big Dipper constellation.
A bull’s leg symbol representing the Big Dipper constellation.

The intricate designs of the Temple of Esna were “roughly chiseled out, the details only applied by painting them in color,” Egyptologist Christian Leitz said in the University of Tübingen’s news release. The details have only become visible again through restoration efforts.

A restored section of the Temple of Esna (left) next to an untouched section (right).
A restored section of the Temple of Esna (left) next to an untouched section (right).

Restoration of the temple began in 2018 and is ongoing, Egyptian officials said in a release.

Next to the temple, archaeologists have also uncovered ruins of a 1,400-year-old Roman bathroom with bathtubs, part of a cabin and a storehouse likely used for weapons and guards.

Esna is about 420 miles southeast of Cairo.

Google Translate and Facebook Translate were used to translate news releases from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

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