
Arkansas BMW Pursuit Ends In Fatality

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Arkansas BMW Pursuit Ends In Fatality
Arkansas BMW Pursuit Ends In Fatality

We still don’t get why people want to lay any and all blame from the outcome of police chases squarely on police. While officers sometimes do stupid and unnecessary, or even reckless things during pursuits, the fact is if people would just pull over, obeying a lawful commend, the chase would never happen.

Watch a modified Bimmer humiliate police.

Unfortunately, some seem to think they’re entitled to run from cops, as if it’s some sort of game. The thing is pursuits aren’t consequences-free. In many places if you get caught you’ll be slapped with at least one felony charge. Then there are cases like this where the guy who ran didn’t survive.


An Arkansas trooper tried pulling this 2006 BMW 3 Series over for having fictitious tags. People put fake license plates on their car for all kinds of reasons, and none of them are good. Whatever this guy was trying to hide, he was willing to put his life and the lives of everyone else on the highway at risk to guard.

At first it looks like the Bimmer is pulling over after the trooper activates his lights. The little car exits calmly and stops at a red light, almost like the suspect is looking for somewhere safe to park.

But just like that he blows through the one red light, then another, and gets back on the highway headed in the opposite direction.

Perhaps this suspect thought because he was behind the wheel of a Bimmer the chase would be over quickly as he pulled away effortlessly. If so, he was right about it not lasting long, but not because he was able to give the trooper the slip.

Instead, even as the German car hit speeds over 120 mph the trooper was right behind him. With a deftness few other departments can replicate, the trooper PITs the BMW and the chase is over.

The only twist is that the suspect was ejected, we guess from not wearing a seatbelt.

Image via Police Pursuits/YouTube

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