
Car Transport Tips Over At Circle K

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Car Transport Tips Over At Circle K
Car Transport Tips Over At Circle K

Accidents happen even with car transporters, as clearly illustrated with the messy aftermath of one tipping over at a gas station. The tow company called to clean up the mess had its hands full on this one. But everything started innocently enough, but a curb was the difference between disaster and the status quo.

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That’s right, this whole accident was caused by one of the wheels on the transport trailer going over a curb at a Circle K gas station. The sudden weight transfer broke the trailer hitch, causing the trailer to tip over, flinging one car into a light pole while simultaneously crushing the truck’s bed. All that happened in just seconds before the driver could do anything.


Recovering the trailer, which still has a BMW on it, takes some creativity and a crane. It’s pretty fascinating to watch the crew work to get everything upright again. However, the Hyundai that was thrown into the light pole and the truck that was towing everything don’t look to be in great shape. And the side of the BMW that went down has got a few extra body creases.

At least nobody was hurt in this incident, which is most important. But this does show how things can literally go sideways in the blink of an eye.

Despite the impression some people are under, car transport services don’t guarantee your vehicle will arrive undamaged. Accidents happen and when they do, the vehicles on the back of the truck might be absolutely crushed. We’ve seen this happen with valuable classic cars, so we can’t stress enough the importance of doing research before hiring a service, including looking to see if they’re licensed, bonded, and insured. Failure to check on this could mean you’re left taking the loss in the end.

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