
Despite Ongoing Rumors, Top Gear Is Not Canceled Yet

bbc top gear photocall
Despite Rumors, Top Gear Is Not Canceled YetBen A. Pruchnie - Getty Images

On Friday, English newspaper The Sun reported that the BBC's megahit car show Top Gear was coming to an end after 46 years. The network has since dispelled those rumors, telling The Independent that “A decision on the timing of future Top Gear shows will be made in due course with BBC Content.”

The Sun's initial report claims that the show was heading to an end as a consequence of presenter Freddie Flintoff's crash in a Morgan 3-Wheeler earlier this year. Citing sources inside the show, the report states that the decision to end Top Gear came down to concerns about whether or not the show could continue without dangerous stunts like the one that led to Flintoff's injuries. Someone cited only as "a show source" tells the Sun that "the BBC are aware they very nearly lost a presenter’s life while filming a segment, and there’s a feeling it would be in bad taste to continue making such dangerous material... It’s a tough decision but they know deep down it’s the right one as hardcore fans of the show won’t want to see a lightweight version.”

While that report assumes a decision has been made, the statement shared to the The Independent by the BBC suggests otherwise. It does not necessarily mean that the show actually will continue, though, and a decision like the one The Sun suggests has already been made seems like a likely way for the show to end.


If this is the end, Top Gear finishes a run of 33 complete seasons since its reboot as a magazine-style show in 2002. The show's most famous cast was the trio of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May, a group that left to start their own competing show with Amazon after a chain of events that began when Clarkson notoriously punched a producer of the show. Chris Harris, Paddy McGuinness, and the recently-injured Flintoff have hosted the current version of the show as a group since 2019's 27th season. If a 34th season is produced, that trio could continue to host the series.

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