
Guy Steals A Firetruck And Leads Police On A Chase

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Guy Steals A Firetruck And Leads Police On A Chase
Guy Steals A Firetruck And Leads Police On A Chase

Every so often we see someone steal a police car during a traffic stop or other active situation. It doesn’t seem like a great idea, but the criminal mind is a funny thing and apparently it must appear smart to at least some of that population. But this guy in Corrales, New Mexico took things to the next level and swiped a firetruck after crews responded to a house on a medical call.

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New Mexico State Police were called to chase down the stolen firetruck which was seen traveling west on I-40. Before troopers could reach it, Laguna Police officers were able to catch up to the vehicle. What you see in the video is dashcam footage from the state trooper as he assists the primary Laguna officer as a second one on the center median successfully spikes the tires.

Image via NM Bodycam
Image via NM Bodycam

After watching this we wonder if fire crews leave the keys inside a fire truck while they all go inside a house. If that’s the case, it’s no wonder this genius was able to swipe one so easily. Perhaps fire departments and police departments need to devise a way to secure vehicles which are left idling? Or an enterprising aftermarket company could do that and market it to these public agencies since there’s definitely a need for better security.


With some of the tires deflated on the big, heavy firetruck, the suspect struggles to keep it under control. He slows way down and starts driving on the shoulder, perhaps considering stopping and trying to run across the open desert. It’s such a dumb idea we’re surprised he didn’t go for it.

Instead, the firetruck ambles along to the next exit and the suspect pilots it slowly to a service station. But he wasn’t quick enough as police took him down at the entrance as he said over and over, “It wasn’t me, it wasn’t me.”

You can see in the bodycam footage the front of the firetruck is resting right up against the service station but doesn’t appear to have hit hard nor done that much damage. The front driver’s side tire is gone, so this guy was driving just on the wheel rim, basically ice skating on the pavement.