
Koenigsegg Regera Retakes 0-400-0 KM World Record From Rimac

koenigsegg regera
Koenigsegg Regera Retakes 0-400-0 KM World RecordKoenigsegg - YouTube

Koenigsegg announced Friday it has retaken the 0-400-0 km world record snatched from it in May by the all-electric Rimac Nevera using a Regera—an out-of-production car originally developed 10 years ago.

The Swedish supercar company released a video of the 28.81-second run to its YouTube channel, saying the data was measured and verified by RaceLogic. The Regera was also able to set a 0-250-0 mph time of 29.60 seconds.

"So, why set these new records with a car that is long off the production line?" a Koenigsegg statement reads. "Because it can! Because [the Regera] is still the King reigning supreme in today’s super competitive automotive landscape, and that is something that should be celebrated with a new record."


The Regera originally set the 0-400-0 record in 2019, with a time of 31.49 seconds. Before that, the record was held by the Koenigsegg Agera RS, at 33.29 seconds. The company says smoother tarmac and new Michelin Cup 2 R tires were major factors in improving the car's time.

The Regera's unique drivetrain features a twin-turbo V-8 and no traditional transmission, instead pairing the internal combustion engine to a three-motor electric drive system that powers the rear wheels. At highway speeds, the engine's torque is transferred directly to the wheels via the strongest road-going torque converter on the planet.

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