
Lamborghini Urus Unlocked with Keys Inside Stolen from Salt Lake City Airport

lamborghini urus stolen from parking lot
Lamborghini Unlocked with Keys Inside StolenSalt Lake City Police

A Lamborghini Urus that was left unlocked with the key inside was stolen from the Salt Lake City International Airport in early June, police said.

Police are asking for help in locating the man suspected of stealing the blue 2203 Lamborghini. The owner parked the car at the airport on June 1 and returned on June 9 to find the car had been taken. Preliminary investigation indicates that the suspect flew into Salt Lake City on June 3. Upon landing, he allegedly went to the airport parking lot and checked car doors to see if any were unlocked. Imagine his delight when he found that what was probably the most valuable vehicle in the lot was not only unlocked but the keys were still inside.

car theft suspect
Police say this is the suspect they’re looking for.Salt Lake City Police Department

In security video showing the crime, the suspect doesn't seem to be in any rush to get away. He calmly opens the driver’s door, walks to the back, opens the hatch, has a look inside, and casually strolls back to the driver’s door and climbs inside. A peaceful theft.


The Salt Lake City Police Department is asking that anyone with information regarding this case contact them at 801-799-3000.

Hopefully the car is quickly returned to the rightful owner. Remember, folks. Lock your Lambo.

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