
The Mad Max Furiosa Spinoff Trailer Looks as Wild as Fury Road

furiosa mad max trailer
Mad Max Furiosa Trailer Looks Wild Like Fury RoadWarner Bros. Pictures. / YouTube

In addition to being one of the best action movies of all time, the 2015 film Mad Max: Fury Road is essentially a feature-length car chase. The upcoming spin-off Furiosa is not quite the same thing as Fury Road, but a first-look trailer released on Thursday indicates that it is still going to put a heavy emphasis on outrageous war machines racing through the post-apocalyptic desert.

While the trailer is light on details about what exactly is happening in any of these scenes, we do know that Anya Taylor-Joy stars as Charlize Theron's Fury Road character, Imperator Furiosa. Captions say that the movie will be Furiosa's "Odyssey," suggesting that her long return home will be as epic in scale as one would expect from a Mad Max movie directed by the legendary George Miller. At some point, we know that she will encounter co-star Chris Hemsworth's character Dementos. Other than that, the actual plot of the movie remains unclear.


The good news is, cars and motorcycles are still very much front and center in the Mad Max world. No shot in the trailer is quite as evocative as Fury Road's flaming guitarist on the hood of a semi-truck, but we do get a good look at a motorcycle piloted by someone on fire, a six-wheeled monster truck, and a chariot with motorcycles in place of horses.

Mad Max: Furiosa arrives in 2024. If Fury Road is any indication, it will be the most outrageous action movie of the year.

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