
How much can you save going from a gas car to an EV? Depends on vehicle type

How much can you save going from a gas car to an EV? Depends on vehicle type

Charging an EV or PHEV typically costs less than stopping at a gas station, particularly if you charge at home. But how much you’ll save depends entirely on the type of gas vehicle you’re switching from.’s most recent Fact of the Week (FOTW) shows that some gas owners see significant savings when going electric, while others see little to no difference.

Most vehicle types see fuel cost reductions of 50 percent or more, with electric pickup trucks and SUVs saving the most over their gas counterparts. Electric vans saved around 27 percent, while electrified sports cars broke even with gas models.

Though the data lump EVs and PHEVs together, it’s important to point out that plug-in hybrids still require fuel and must be charged to deliver their full benefits. noted that the greater the level of electrification, the better the savings, so this study would look significantly different if EVs were isolated.